Here is a small sampling of some different styles showing the variety of markings amongst a collection of didgeridoos.
(*Not actual size or relative scale)
Snake Didge, Eb - Eucalyptus. 4 ft. long.
This didge is painted with the Rainbow Serpent, a creature out of Aboriginal Mythology.
Bird Didge, C - Eucalyptus. 4 1/2 ft. long.
Creates a bass note that grounds the player and listener with a unique bird design wrapped around.
Vibrant wood burned, C# - Eucalyptus. 4 1/2 ft. long.
Produces an infectious tone that doesn't let go.
Easy wood burned, C# - Eucalyptus. 5 ft. long.
Before learning to play, Runzheimer traveled through many didgeridoo shops in Australia. When he finally came upon this one, with which he could produce a sound, he immediately bought it.
Worm Didge, Bb - Agave cactus. 6 ft. long.
An extremely long didge, its bulbous end marks where it was harvested from the soil and also helps amplify the sound. The richness of its tenor makes one feel like it is burrowing back into the ground.
Natural, C - 3 1/2 ft. long.
The extremely thin walls of this didgeridoo create a bright vibration.
Golden Agave, D - Agave cactus. 4 1/2 ft. long.
Producing a warm comfortable sound, this didge is light enough to take everywhere.
Adjustable SlideDidge - Interlocking PVC. 2 1/2 ft. - 5 1/2 ft. long.
Adjustable didgeridoo allows the ability to play any note, essential when accompanying other musicians in a particular key.
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