Runzheimer's introduction to the didgeridoo didn't seem promising. He heard a recording of a rock band using the instrument but he found the sound uninviting, even grating. It wasn't until traveling to Australia and witnessing it in person that he developed an interest for the didgeridoo.
"Everywhere I went, there looked to be just as many street performers playing didgeridoo as there were playing guitar," he said. "It seemed like it was a very personal experience for them when they played.
He found the didgeridoo's vibrations, heard live, were an integral part of appreciating the instrument. He ended up buying the first didge he could play. Then, after taking initial lessons to learn technique and the method of breathing used to create a continuous sound, called circular breathing, he found himself walking into every Australian didgeridoo shop in his path, looking for another. He was interested in the different art work displayed on the outside of the instruments, but it was the variety of each one's individual timbre that determined its ultimate worth. It became a traveling past time for him to search for yet another unique sound that resonated within.
Since 1997, Runzheimer has played the instrument and has since mastered the technique of circular breathing which enables him to sustain rhythmical patterns without a break. He has incorporated his interest for unique instruments with a love for traveling that has taken him to some 60 countries. While overseas, he also discovered singing bowls from Nepal and purchased nearly as many as are found in his didgeridoo collection. On a different trip, he spent a night in a third world hospital after he broke his ankle paragliding in Peru. And he even had a stopover in pre-9-11 Afghanistan on his way to India. His plane landed in Kabul and he discovered measures had been taken to secure the passenger jet's safety. While his plane was landing, the military's air force had been circling overhead dropping flares to divert the aim of any heat seeking missiles that might have been fired by the rebels in the surrounding mountains. In a different part of the world, he also survived nine days of silence at a meditation center.
Runzheimer has worked public relations in the corporate world. He used his persistence to find his way into filmed scenes of Rodney Dangerfield's movie Back to School after he was passed over as an extra. He has also performed and written a novel about standup comedy. And, he is a certified hypnotherapist.
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